TJC Heritage LTD

Abbey Glen Laundry,

Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Undesignated Heritage Asset

Historic Building Appraisal, Archive Research

OASIS: Thejesso1-185811

A historic building survey of the structural remains of the former Abbey Glen Laundry on Coniston Road in Sheffield, South Yorkshire was undertaken to provide a record of the building as supporting information for a planning application.

The plot of land that comprises the study area is almost totally covered by standing buildings, which represent the shell of the former laundry. At the time of survey all internal plant and machinery had been removed.

The Site was developed on green field land by 1901-2, being purpose-built as an industrial laundry by George Taylor and Albert Youle. By 1905 the whole Site had been remodeled and a new frontage building and single-storey sheds to the rear had been built. The laundry went through one more major phases of expansion by 1935 extending as far as Little London Road to the east of the River Sheaf. Minor extensions were added between the 1950s and 1990s. The building represents a good example of a purpose-built laundry, which was enlarged as the business developed, defined by the changing style of roof trusses and north-light roofs to the rear of the Site.

Scope of work: archive research, historic building recording, b/w photography