TJC Heritage LTD

Hare Hill Mill,

Littleborough, Rochdale

Littleborough Town Centre Conservation Area, Undesignated Heritage Asset

Archaeological Building Recording, Laser Scanning, Heritage Consultancy

OASIS: thejesso1-276641

A programme of archaeological investigation in the form of a historic building record has been undertaken at Hare Hill Mill, to satisfy a planning condition to redevelop the site. The proposed scheme will involve the conversion of the existing mill buildings into residential accommodation and the demolition of 20th century structures.

Hare Hill Mill developed as a family run flannel manufactory at the beginning of the 19th century, eventually being taken over by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Productive Company and finally by the Co-operative Wholesale Society. More recently the mill has been in the occupation of GS Sewing (until 2011) and Proofings Coated Fabrics Ltd.

The archive research and historic building survey has established the constructional sequence of the buildings and identified the stages of manufacture within the various weaving sheds, warehouses and processing rooms.

A structural watching brief has documented further details regarding the development of the site, in particular the form of construction and interior layout of a large multi-storey water tower that has been demolished as part of the development works.

Scope of work: consultancy, research, photography, historic building recording, laser scanning, watching brief (structural fabric)