TJC Heritage LTD

Hawkshead Mill,

Glossop, Derbyshire

Undesignated Heritage Asset

Archaeological Building Recording, Heritage Consultancy

OASIS: thejesso1-129390

An historic buildings appraisal of the buildings and land comprising Hawshead Mill in Old Glossop was undertaken to inform a planning application for the redevelopment of the site for residential use.

In 1783, William Sheppard built the first recorded mill on the Site, making use of the Blackshaw Clough as a water supply. During the 18th century it was also know as Starkies’, or Rolf’s mill. At its peak in the second quarter of the 19th century it comprised two mills, one powered by a 27hp steam engine and 18hp water wheel, and the other was powered by a smaller 12hp steam engine and a larger water wheel generating 30hp. In 1836 there was a workforce of 400, who operated 6,960 Throstle and 10,741 Mule spindles, and 495 looms. It underwent a period of decline in the latter years of the 19th century eventually becoming disused. In 1904/5 it was taken over by Isacc Jackson, who converted it from a cotton mill to a factory dedicated to the production of metal fastenings, nuts, bolts and parts for the automotive industry. Production finally ceased by the 1980s.

The complex of mill buildings represent a range of structures including offices, warehouses, north light weaving sheds and secondary processing areas dating from the 1830s through to the mid 20th century. It was unfortunately not been possible to identify whether any of the original mill buildings survive.

Scope of work: consultancy, archive research, photography, historic building recording