TJC Heritage LTD

Kedleston Hall (Marble Hall),


Grade I Listed Building (NHLE: 1311507)

Historic Fabric Survey for Conservation Repairs

OASIS: thejesso1-276 708

The archaeological survey of the floor structure of the Marble Hall was undertaken to compliment a suite of investigative surveys including laser scanning, structural monitoring, GPR survey and a programme of mortar analysis. Whilst only a relatively small area of the floor structure has been available for examination it has been possible to establish the nature of its construction, along with a possible explanation for the cracking of the marble paving.

The floor is a double joist construction, which was typical of 18th century floors where wide spans were required, or heavy loading was a considered important. The floor is essentially supported on pairs of massive principal joists that are 0.47m in depth and c.10m in length located between the columns along the west and east sides of the hall.

An unexpected discovery has been the discovery of heel (boot/shoe) prints within the mortar torching that was smeared across the joints in the floor planks to prevent the sand from the sub-floor from dropping down to the ceiling void above Caesars Hall. The date of the mortar appears to be an integral aspect of the original floor construction, and is therefore dated to the c.1760-65.

Scope of work: investigation of fabric, measured survey, architectural photography