TJC Heritage LTD

Castle Markets,

Sheffield, South Yorkshire

Undesignated landmark building

Historic Building Recording prior to demolition of building

OASIS: thejesso1-206 911

Prior to the decommissioning and subsequent demolition in the Summer of 2015 of the Castle Markets, The JESSOP Consultancy was commissioned by Kier Asset Partnership and Sheffield City Council to produce a photographic record of the building. The purpose of the survey has been to create a permanent and lasting visual record of the external and internal appearance of the Markets.

The photographic record represents an enhanced Level I survey as detailed in guidance prepared by Historic England, using medium format film, accompanied by 35mm b/w photography.

The archaeological record of the building comprised of three stages: an initial record whilst the market was still in operation, a secondary record following the vacation of the building, and a third survey to document the range of decorative surfaces finishes that had been used within the 1959-64 phases of construction. Samples of both formica sheets and ceramic tiles were taken for deposition in an appropriate national archive.

In addition, to the formal requirements of the recording specification issued by the South Yorkshire Archaeology Service, individual portraits were taken of the market traders prior to the closure, thus ensuring that the character of the people who worked and used the markets can be preserved as part of the Sheffield City Archives.

Scope of work: measured survey, photography survey, structural watching brief