TJC Heritage LTD

The Cottage,

Charlton, Northamptonshire

Grade II Listed Building (NHLE: 423265); Conservation Area

Historic Building Recording for Conservation Repairs

OASIS: thejesso1-143 578

A heritage assessment of the Grade II listed building was undertaken in accordance with NPPF (2012) guidance, and examined both designated and undesignated heritage assets within the surrounding area.

In the 17th to 18th centuries, two cottages were built fronting the Main Street in the village, one of which was used as a farmhouse. At the start of the 20th century, the cottages were reconfigured as a hunting-box, including the construction of a new baroque inspired central block by Mr F.E. Smith K.C (Lord Chancellor 1919-1922). These alterations adapted the rear yards, fields and orchard into a series of garden compartments, brick-built stables and tennis courts.

During the refurbishment works a b/w photographic record was produced and hidden areas of the historic fabric were recorded in the form of a structural watching brief.

Scope of work: archive research, measured survey, b/w photography, structural watching brief, archaeological watching brief during ground-works