TJC Heritage LTD

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Woodstock House,

Woodstock, Oxfordshire

Grade II Listed Building (NHLE: 435581); World Heritage Site; Conservation Area

Historic Building Recording 

OASIS: thejesso1-178 174

A historic building appraisal and an assessment of archaeology at Woodstock House was prepared for a planning application to reverse unsympathetic alterations to the internal fabric of the building. The Site includes six Grade II Listed buildings, is within the Woodstock Conservation Area, and on the boundary of the Blenheim World Heritage Site.

Woodstock House dates from the c.1720s and has been extended on at least two occasions. The original entrance faced south towards Blenheim Palace, but at the start of the 19thC was moved to the east. In the 1950s it was converted to a residential care home and almost all of the original fixtures, fittings and architectural details have been removed. To the northeast of the house is an 18thC linear range built as a Coach House, with stabling for horses, and with accommodation above.

The gardens, kitchen garden and boundary walls are well preserved, and reflect the remodelling of the site following re-orientation of the south entrance at the start of the 19thC.

Scope of work: archive research, measured survey, digital photography